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Loving Even in Inconvenience

As humans, it is innate for us to love and sometimes just the idea of love. We are built to want to love and to be loved. It is a default setting in us; it can be argued that the premise of our being is built on love. As believers, our faith is built on God’s love for us as His children. His unconditional love for us leads us to experience all the goodness and kindness that there is. Seeing how important love is, I couldn’t be happier that it is the season of love. So much so that I almost started this blog by saying whoop!! Whoop!! It’s love season.

However, I also understand that love does not come easy. Sometimes, it’s so hard to love someone when the things they do aren’t in line with our expectations. It may be your spouse, sibling, friends, or even your children. At these moments, loving unconditionally without judgment is not necessarily effortless. We may feel that their decisions or actions negatively affect our lives and want to distance ourselves the most from them. But it is in these times we experience the true test of unconditional love. Working out our emotions to accommodate and even to find out how our actions may be affecting others may be one way to love even when it’s inconvenient. Love may not always be easy, but it is always worth it, and for that, it is worth our effort.


  • Angela
    Posted February 11, 2022 at 8:43 am

    Well said! Thanks

  • Eunice
    Posted February 12, 2022 at 11:47 am

    This is beautiful! Well said

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