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Navigating Through Self- doubt

Days seem to breeze by, and everyone seems to have settled into the first quarter of the year. At this point, everyone is seemingly busy with their daily routines, focused on achieving the goals that they set out for the year. However, while we work towards achieving our plans for the year, feelings of self-doubt may creep in. It is even harder to believe in yourself, especially in the face of obstacles. When things are not seemingly working in the way we expected them, our belief in our capabilities is shaken.

From personal experience, I have learned that it is normal to question ourselves. I have also learned that asking myself questions helps me understand where I am and what I need to do to improve myself. However, I have also realized that while thinking that I was being introspective, I have questioned my abilities in the process.   In most cases, feelings of self-doubt begin to manifest through questions such as Am I good enough? Can I really do this? Did I bite more than I can chew? While it may seem like some of these questions are necessary for us to be introspective, in most scenarios, we are experiencing self-doubt.

A few weeks ago, I graduated from my doctoral studies, a significant milestone for me. I am very thankful to God for that. However, the journey was filled with much doubt. When I encountered challenges, I slipped back into thinking that I had taken on too much. This was despite knowing I had always wanted to have a Doctoral degree. I also overanalyzed my past mistakes and what I considered my failures, with the fear that they would cripple me again. Some days, I felt stuck, but thankfully, I have been able to navigate that through a sound support system. In those moments, I reminded myself of how far I had come already and how many odds I had beat to get there. Most importantly, the assurance that God doesn’t challenge us beyond our ability is what I needed most, and true to His word, we are here now.

1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

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