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A journey to peace and fulfilment

These past months have taken a toll on my body. It’s been 3 months; my life has been up and down like a roller coaster. I finally realized that stress had taken its toll on me! I realized that I wasn’t at peace with myself. Something was bothering me. I was stressed! There was this inner feeling of emptiness, loneliness, and frustration. Even though my kids, husbands, mother, and some few friends were around, these feelings got stronger day by day. My eating habit changed. I experienced a lack of appetite. It felt as if something was missing. I worked so hard in my job, at home with family, and supported those I love. I also sometimes went out of my way just to be there for someone. But it felt like those inputs were not noticed.

Then I realized what was missing. I decided to take a new journey. A journey to peace and fulfilment. But how can I take that journey when there are storms around me. Can we actually find peace in the midst of storms? I believe the answer is Yes. We can find peace in the midst of the storms of life. Yes, we can if Jesus is on the journey with you. I learned that while the storm rages, we cannot allow it to steal our peace. Why? Because God is greater than the strongest storm that is going on in your life right now. The only way to find peace during chaos is through Christ. “Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble” (Psalm 119:165).

It is easy to tell someone that you can find peace amid chaos or problems. But how can we find peace and let it stay within us? These past weeks, my focus shifted. I knew when I was drifting away from my focus. Whenever I sense a cloud over my mind, I know it is time to check my focus and make sure things are in perspective.

Firstly, checking our focus is very important. What are you focusing on? There is so much more going on around us and all over the world that we tend to lose our focus. As a believer, my focus needs to be on the word of God. Spending time absorbing God’s word. It is not enough to listen to your pastor preaching on Sunday. It is important to meditate on God’s word. When life gets overwhelming, when everything around you seems like a roadblock, we need to step back and get connected back to the source of life. Get back into the word and not get disconnected. Listen to sermons, meditate on God’s word, and surround yourself with believers and positive people. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3).

Secondly, increase your prayer life. I have found no better way of finding peace than presenting my issues to God. Presenting your problems to God gives you inner peace. Knowing God is hearing your prayer and is not silent over your situation gives you hope and confidence that He will show up on your behalf. When we pray, we should pray with confidence in God’s word that He will do good in what He says.

Thirdly, praise and worship. In my journey to peace, I have been praising and worshipping God. When you find yourself surrounded by the chaos of life, praise Him. Sing praises to Him. While doing so, it shifts your attention to Elohim, who is the author of peace. While praising Him, thank Him for what he has done in your life and what He is yet to do.


  • Hannah Kalu
    Posted April 3, 2022 at 4:07 pm

    Thanks Dr. Lucy, its sometimes easy to hide our low points from others and put forth a perfect facade. Your write up reminded me of this song I grew up with by Don Moen…Perfect peace, I will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on Me (Isa 26:3)….these words are easier said than done; but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can learn to keep our eyes on our Savior and live only by HIS truth to find peace therein.

  • Cliff
    Posted April 6, 2022 at 7:05 am

    I appreciate reading this on this morning. It sheds a bright light on me. Thank you!?

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